

The dig command is a staple for web developers needing to troubleshoot and analyze DNS (Domain Name System) issues. It stands for Domain Information Groper, providing detailed DNS information with simplicity and flexibility.

Check dig Installation:

Run `dig -v`` in your terminal. This command checks if dig is installed on your Linux machine by returning the installed version.

dig -v

DiG 9.10.6

Install dig if not found

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dnsutils

Perform Basic DNS Query:

Use dig example.com for a straightforward DNS lookup. This command fetches the A record of example.com, showing the IP address associated with the domain.

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As a technical architect deeply engaged in the evolving landscape of development tools, I've been exploring GitHub Copilot's capabilities. This AI-powered coding assistant from GitHub and OpenAI has offered both intriguing advantages and notable challenges. Below, I share my perspectives, enriched with a Python coding example to illustrate Copilot's practical application.

Advantages of GitHub Copilot

Enhanced Code Efficiency

Copilot has been instrumental in speeding up my coding process. While working on a Python script, I began typing a function to parse JSON data, and Copilot instantly suggested the complete function, significantly reducing my coding time.

Broad Language and Framework Support

I value Copilot's ability to assist across various languages. Whether it's Python, JavaScript, or Go, the tool provides relevant and useful code suggestions.

Learning and Adaptability

Copilot's adaptability to my coding style is impressive. It picks up on my coding patterns and preferences, offering personalized suggestions.

Automated Code Refactoring and Testing

Copilot's ability to suggest code refactoring and test cases is a significant advantage. It recently proposed a more efficient algorithm for a data processing function I was refining.

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When working with AWS DynamoDB, one of the key decisions you'll face is whether to use a Scan or a Query operation. Understanding the differences between these two operations is crucial for efficient database management and cost-effective operations. In this post, we'll explore the distinctions between Scan and Query in DynamoDB, and guide you on when to use each.

Understanding DynamoDB Scan

The Scan operation in DynamoDB is straightforward but comes with a significant cost, especially for larger tables.

What is a Scan?

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In the realm of NoSQL databases, AWS DynamoDB and MongoDB stand out as two of the most popular choices. Both databases offer unique features and capabilities, making them suitable for a variety of applications. However, understanding their differences is crucial for developers and businesses to make an informed decision. Let’s dive into a detailed comparison.

Service Model

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It's serverless, meaning users are freed from managing the underlying infrastructure.

MongoDB, on the other hand, is an open-source NoSQL database. Users can self-host MongoDB on their own servers or opt for MongoDB Atlas, its fully-managed cloud version.

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In the realm of serverless computing, AWS Lambda stands out as a powerful service that allows developers to run code without managing servers. An important aspect of Lambda is managing how many concurrent instances of your functions can run. Two critical features in this context are Reserved Concurrency and Provisioned Concurrency. Though they sound similar, they serve distinct purposes and work differently. This post aims to demystify these concepts, highlighting their differences and use cases.

What is Reserved Concurrency?

Reserved Concurrency is a feature in AWS Lambda that lets you allocate a specific portion of your AWS account's total concurrency limit to a particular Lambda function.

How Does Reserved Concurrency Work?

When you set Reserved Concurrency for a function, you are ensuring that this function can always use up to the specified number of concurrent executions. This allocation means that the specified concurrency is reserved solely for that function and cannot be used by other functions in your account. It's important to note that Reserved Concurrency is also a tool for limiting a function's maximum concurrency, which can be crucial for managing costs and ensuring that a Lambda function doesn't overwhelm downstream resources.

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