
In the world of workflow orchestration, AWS Step Functions and Apache Airflow stand out as prominent tools, each with its unique features, purposes, and operational models. Understanding their differences is crucial for selecting the right tool for your specific needs. Here's a comparison:

AWS Step Functions: A Managed, Serverless Orchestrator

  1. Seamless Cloud Integration: AWS Step Functions is designed to integrate effortlessly with various AWS services. As a serverless orchestrator, it offers a fully managed service, taking the burden of infrastructure, scalability, and maintenance off your shoulders.

  2. Visual Workflow Management: It provides a user-friendly graphical console, allowing you to visualize and manage complex workflows with ease. This visual approach simplifies the understanding of intricate processes.

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In the ever-evolving world of software development, efficiency and flexibility are paramount. Docker, a household name in containerization, has taken a significant leap forward with Docker Buildx. This advanced feature not only enhances the capabilities of the standard Docker build command but revolutionizes how developers approach multi-platform containerization. Let’s dive into the world of Docker Buildx and explore how it's changing the game.

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Apache Airflow has revolutionized the way we automate and orchestrate workflows, and at the heart of this powerful tool lies the concept of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). Understanding DAGs is crucial for leveraging Airflow's full potential. Let's delve into the world of DAGs and uncover how they empower efficient workflow automation.

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In the Registry Server

  1. Create an htpasswd file containing the login credentials for the initial account.
mkdir -p ~/registry/auth
docker run --entrypoint htpasswd registry:2.7.0 -Bbn hienhoang SupP3rS3cureP@ssW0rd > ~/registry/auth/htpasswd
  1. Create a directory to hold the certs for the registry server
mkdir -p ~/registry/certs
  1. Create a self-signed certificate for the registry.

NOTE: For the Common Name field, enter the hostname of the registry server. Here I will use registry.internal

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