Azure DevOps Engineering Expert achievement

To be able to achieve Microsoft Azure DevOps Expert Certification you have to achieve Azure Administrator Certification. The responsibilities for the DevOps role include designing and implementing strategies for collaboration, code, infrastructure, source control, security, compliance, continuous integration, testing, delivery, monitoring, and feedback.

As part of my role, I have already been familiar with design and implement DevOps pipeline for automation deployment. So it somewhat easy to me to learn the course quickly. Just the Microsoft DevOps Pipeline is the new tool to me, it similar to Gitlab Pipeline or Bitbucket Pipeline. After a few days of practicing exercises, I decide to take the tests online due to the increasing of Covid-19. The process was the same as the last time I had taken the test for Administrator Associate certification. After an hour, I submitted the test and then the result was awesome. Yay, you got it, I passed!

I have felt very happy for what I have had achieved, I must say I'm so proud of myself hohoho. There will be other tests waiting for me to achieve in the near future, so keep following my blog for new updates! Thanks you guys!